The 6th Mechanism and Synthesis Forum in 2023 was successfully held

2023-06-06   |  【打印】 【关闭

On May 31st, 2023, the Mechanism and Synthesis Forum (MAS Forum) established by the Center of Basic Molecular Science, Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University was successfully held at the Zhengyutong Lecture Hall of the Science Building, Tsinghua University. Prof. Yi Luo from the University of Science and Technology of China was invited to be the speaker who presented a talk entitled Dimensions of Molecular Science. At the beginning of the talk, Prof. Jinpei Cheng, the founder of the Center of Basic Molecular Sciences (CBMS), had a cordial conversation with Prof. Luo and awarded the Mechanism and Synthesis Forum medal to him.


Prof. Luo is currently a Distinguished Chair Professor of the University of Science and Technology of China, the director of the Hefei National Research Center for Microscale Physical Science, and the executive dean of Future Technology College. He has long been engaged in the research of quantum chemistry, spectroscopy and intelligent chemistry. In 2010, he won the Göran Gustafsson Chemistry Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In 2014, he was awarded the Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement Collective Award by the Chinese Academy of Sciences as one of the main contributors.

Prof. Sanzhong Luo, the director of CBMS, delivered an opening speech. Profs. Jinpei Cheng, Zhigang Shuai, Mei-Xiang Wang, Baiqing Xu, and other teachers from the department attended the lecture. Prof. Yi Luo started with the content of molecular science research, and progressed from three perspectives: the development of technologies for single-molecule system study, the integration of complex systems and machine learning, and AI big data to help future chemical research.


After a vivid and humorous lecture, the teachers and students interacted with Prof. Luo during the Q&A session. The audiences raised many interesting questions and expressed their opinions, and the forum was very effective.


Finally, Professor Luo Yi and all the teachers who participated in the forum took a group photo, and the forum ended successfully.
